Honey nestum Bread... sedap, lembut dan moist lagi.

Assalammualaikum dan Salam Sejahtera...

Masa Amy selak selak Printerest ... terjumpa resepi roti ni. Bahan bahan memang dah sedia ada kat dapur dan nak buat pun macam senang aje... maksud Amy tak banyak ceritalah cara nak buatnya.

Resepi asal ialah Homemade Honey Oat Bread. Kalau gi blog tu, Darla ada terangkan step by step... memang senang nak faham.

Resepi ni Amy tukar oat dengan Nestum sebab anak anak Amy tak berapa suka dengan oat, kalau nestum... laju aje. En Hubby pulak tanya apasal tak letak krismis sekali. Dahlah first time buat kang tak sedap kang camner???

Semalam Amy buat pukul 11 pastu biarkan sampai pukul 2:45 petang. Lama sebab tiba tiba angin M tu datang tapi teruskan jugak sebab dah buat pun kang membazir pulak.

Bila dah siap tinggal nak bakar aje tiba tiba lampu oven tu padam... plug pulak berasap terus Amy gi off kan. Roti dah siap tak kan tak bakar pulak abis tu camner?. Tak pasal pasal kena buka pulak plug tu cek satu satu apa yang tak kena. 

 Nasib baik lepas tu dah boleh pakai... tak pasal pasal Amy kena duduk kat dapur tengok aje dia takut jadi balik. Alhamdulillah... selamat roti aku dibakar sampai masak. Satu rumah bau madu.

Mula mula Amy pun cuak jugak... hangus ke roti aku? 

Tak... dia memang macam tu sebab madu dan nestum yang letak kat atas tu sebelum bakar. Jangan risau tak pahit pun malah bahagian tulah yang Amy paling suka.... manis dan sedap.

Amy pakai madu ni... kalau madu jenama lain pun boleh jugak.

Roti madu bernestum cara Amy.. kalau nak ikut resepi asal kat bawah ye.
  • 3 cwn tepung gandum.
  • ¾ cwn nestum- bukan nest baby ye heheh.
  • 2¼ tsp yeast - Amy guna mauripan aje.
  • 1 tsp garam.
  • 1 cwn susu- Amy guna susu kotak lowfat. Klu takde soya pun boleh.
  • ¼ cwn air panas suam- suam kuku.
  • 28g butter - Amy guna buttercup.
  • ¼ cwn madu.
  • 2 tbsp madu - warmed (amy letak dlm air panas)
  • 1½ to 2 tbsp nestum.

  1. Masukkan tepung, nestum, yeast dan garam dalam mangkuk mixer pastu gaul sebatikan.
  2. Amy gunakan periuk kecil, panaskan susu tapi jangan sampai mendidih... cukup untuk cairkan butter aje. Pastu masukkan butter dan air.
  3. Masukkan susu tadi ke dalam tepung. Kalau mixer Amy... Amy guna speed 2 kalau lebih takut rosak pulak mixer tu. Amy putar dalam 15 minit.... memandai mandaikan hehehe.
  4. Dia memang melekit lekit sikit... Amy tambah 2 sudu besar tepung.
  5. Kalau guna tangan kena baca yg bawah punya ye.
  6. Masukkan dough ke dalam mangkuk yang dah di minyakkan sedikit. Tutup dengan kain bersih dan biarkan dia naik double 1/2 ke 1 jam. Amy biarkan lebih dari satu jam.
  7. Pastu.. Amy tabur tepung kat tempat Amy nak letak dough tu. Gunakan jari.. ratakan dough 9x12. Pastu rollkan cantik cantik dan masukkan dalam loaf.
  8. Tutup lagi dan biar dia naik lagi sekali.
  9. Panaskan oven 180C kalau oven kecil kurangkan sikit kot.
  10. Bila dah naik sapu madu suam ke atas roti tu dan tabur nestum.
  11. Letakkan dulang atau bekas kecil berisi air kat bahagian bawah (dlm oven) untuk stim.
  12. Amy bakar 55 minit.
  13. Dah masak sejukkan.. 

Honey Oat Bread
Recipe type: Bread
Serves: 1 9x5-inch loaf
  • 3 cups (381 grams) all-purpose flour
  • ¾ cup oats (I have used instant and old fashioned, both work great)
  • 2¼ teaspoons instant yeast
  • 1½ teaspoons salt
  • 1 cup (250 ml) milk (almond or soy milk for vegan/dairy free)
  • ¼ cup (62 ml) lukewarm water
  • 2 tablespoons (28 grams) unsalted butter or margarine
  • ¼ cup honey (agave for vegan)
  • 1½ to 2 tablespoons honey (or agave), warmed
  • 1½ to 2 tablespoons oats
  1. In a large bowl, or the bowl of a standing mixer, combine the flour, oats, yeast, and salt.
  2. In a small bowl, or two cup (450 ml) measuring cup, warm the milk so that it's hot enough to melt the butter, but not boiling. Add the butter, stirring until melted, then stir in the water and honey.
  3. Pour the milk mixture into the flour mixture, mixing with a dough hook until it just comes together to form a dough. Knead in the mixer, with the dough hook attachment, for 10 minutes, until the dough is smooth and elastic (if you're making this recipe by hand, the dough will be very sticky at first; flour your hands and work surface generously and be patient). If the dough is still very wet and sticky after 5 minutes of kneading, add more flour, 1 tablespoon at a time, until the dough is barely tacky. If the dough is too dry, add water, 1 teaspoon (5 ml) at a time, to soften it up.
  4. Place the dough in a lightly oiled bowl, cover, and allow to rise until doubled, about ½ to 1 hour.
  5. Once doubled, place the dough on a clean, dry work surface. If the dough is too sticky, lightly flour the surface before continuing. With your fingers, flatten the dough into a 9 by 12-inch rectangle. Tightly roll the dough, tucking the ends as needed, into a loaf. Place the shaped dough into a 9x5-inch loaf pan, cover with a clean dry towl, and allow to rise until doubled, about ½ to 1 hour.
  6. Preheat oven to 350 degrees (180 C).
  7. When the loaf is doubled again, place an *extra*, empty loaf pan on the bottom rack of the oven and bring 2 cups of water to a boil (this will be used to create steam in the oven).
  8. Brush the top of the dough with the warmed honey and sprinkle with the oats.
  9. Place the bread in the oven and pour the prepared boiling water into the *Extra*, empty loaf pan on the bottom rack of the oven (this is to create steam within the oven as the bread bakes). Close the oven door and bake bread for 40 to 50 minutes, until the bread is deep golden brown and the internal temperature is about 190 degrees.
  10. Transfer to a wire cooling rack and allow to cool completely before serving.
  11. Recipe by Darla

Bila dah buat camni... rollkan dan masukkan dalam loaf.

Anak anak dan en hubby semua kata sedap... semalam jugak dah habis 3/4. Bakinya pagi tadi buat sarapan sebelum ke sekolah...

Walaupun dah semalaman, roti ni tetap lembut dan moist. Lembut macam roti Gardenia tu... Lain kali boleh buat lagi.


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